Statutes/Constituting act ASBL (FR)

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NEW: Do you want to create a non-profit organization or modify the statutes of your current non-profit organization to align them with the new Code of Companies and Associations? Here you will find an example of a constitutive act adjusted to new code of companies and associations!

This example of constitutive act / statutes is a tool for you and certainly not a conclusive example. If you have problems with the content, we strongly recommend that you contact people who are legally qualified.

Sub Rosa Legal is of course at your service if you need any help!

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The statutes contain the basic rules of the non-profit organization. They form the basis of the deed of incorporation, which must be deposited at the registry of the company court upon incorporation.


The statutes state the rights and obligations of all parties involved in the operation of the association, such as the members of the general assembly and the board of directors.The statutes include the rules regarding decision-making, accession and dissolution.

These articles of association have been drawn up in accordance with the new Companies (and Associations) Code, which comes into effect on the 1st of May 2019. All associations established./founded from this date on must abide by the rules of the new Companies Code.

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