Google Search Case : what about legal certainty?
In December 2017, the European Commission imposed a record fine of €2.42 billion on Google in the Google Search (Shopping) Case for breach of Article 102TFEU.
GDPR and business secrets: run the job only once!
RGPD and business secrets: run the job only once!

What is Bootstrap? – The History and the Hype

 28/03/2018 | Peterkenne Jean-Marc | Articles
What is Bootstrap? – The History and the Hype
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type an
Le nouveau palais de justice de Paris ouvre ses portes en avril
Oeuvre indispensable ? Les chiffres donnent le tournis pour ce nouveau bâtiment situé près de la Porte de Clichy : 160 mètres de haut, 120 000 mètres carrés de plancher, 90 salles d’audience, 40 guichets d’accueil, 1 500 caméras, une salle des pas perdus de 5 000 mètres carrés...

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